The House in the Pines Book Club Questions and Discussion Guide
Table Of Content Customer Reviews Things That Didn’t Make Sense to Me About House in the Pines White Bark Pine Editorial Reviews Category: Suspense & Thriller Women's Fiction Audiobooks Sugar Pine is one of the tallest wild pine species in California. They grow in coastal mountain ranges from Oregon, through California, and into Baja, California. They have soft needles in bundles of five and produce the longest cones of any conifer species. Sugar Pine cones are regularly inches long but can exceed two feet in some cases. These trees grow quickly but are dormant during the winter months. Customer Reviews The cones are so enormous that they are nicknamed “widowmakers.” The trees prefer dry, rocky soil and full sun to partial shade lighting. The Shore Pine is a subspecies of Lodgepole Pines that grows primarily along the Northern coast of California. It can grow in a wide range of elevations from sea level up to over 11,000 feet. They have higher water requirements than ma...